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Fundación HispanoJudía

The mission of the Fundación HispanoJudía (HispanicJewish Foundation, FHJ) is to honor over 2,000 years of Jewish presence in the Iberian Peninsula and celebrate Sephardic culture and its impact around the world.


FHj's core project the Museo HispanoJudío (HispanicJewish Museum, MHJ) in Madrid, where the deep Jewish roots of Hispanic culture will be explored  and enjoyed in a first-of-its-kind experience.

The FHJ in numbers






since 2016


Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

The FHJ has a Board of Trustees and benefactors characterized by their diversity in terms of origin, ethnicity and religion.

Mauricio Botton Carasso (Honorary President), Spain
Charlotte Staticcelli-Revel de Botton (Honorary President), France
David Hatchwell Altaras (President), Spain
Javier Cremades García Francisco (1st Vice President ), Spain
Pablo Kleinman (2d Vice President), United States
Alicia Koplowitz Romero de Juseu, Spain
Stuart Weitzman, United States
Moisés Chocrón Macías, Spain
Santos Benbunan Benchimol, Spain
David Serur, Z”L, Mexico
Jennie Cababie de Serur, Mexico
Saúl Weisleder Weisleder, Costa Rica
Sadia Cohen Z’’L, Spain
Leandro Sigman Gold, Spain
Darío Werthein, Argentina
Juan Ignacio Entrecanales Franco, Spain
Donna Weiss Lam, United States

Núria Vilanova Giralt, Spain
Jimmy Pinto Toledano, Israel
Bibiña Chocrón Bentata, Spain
Isaac Benzaquén Chocrón, Spain
Astrid Benzaquén Misrahi, Spain
Ignacio Cano (Nacho), Spain
Alberto Palatchi Rivera, Spain
Juan Luis Cebrian Echarri, Spain
Ezequiel Szafir Holcman, Spain
Claudia Cisneros Fontanals, Spain
Linda Scaperotto de Matutes, Spain
Aarón Feldman, Mexico
Alicia Alcocer Koplowitz, Spain
Mónica Altaras Amram, Spain
Rocío Gil Oset, Spain
Susan Evelyn Guenun, Spain
Nini Achinoam (NOA), Israel
David and Sutton Dabbah Family, Argentina
Miguel Abadi, United Kingdom
Eric Gross, United States

Andres Orchansky, Argentina
Felix Arroyo Pujol, Spain
Mauricio Sacal, Mexico 

Joseph Fidanque Tercero, Panama
Natalia Ordenes, Spain 
Francisco Rodeja Roca, Spain
Sergio Ciklik Sneider, Mexico 
David Peñaloza Sandoval, Mexico 
Alejandro Pitashny, Argentina
Chemi Peres, Israel
David Chocrón Bendayán, Spain
Lucia Goy Mastromiechele, Spain
Shulamith y Familia Serur Cababie, Mexico 
Pedro Cortina Koplowitz, Spain
Adrian Gustavo Sucari, Argentina 
Yousef Zaher, Israel
Mayer y Dinah Zaga, Mexico
André Tarraf, United States
Samuel Bengio, Spain
Nily Falic, United States
Mikhail Friedman, United Kingdom
Alberto Isaac y Karen Guindi Hemsani, Mexico
Sarah Halioua, Spain
Marcos Metta Cohen, Mexico 
Edward Misrahi, Israel
Ignacio Calderon Lanczyner, Mexico
Daniel Jacobo Rubinstein Lach, Z
’’L , Mexico
Albert Isaac Saba Ades, Mexico 
Elissa Wuliger, United States
Solita Cohen, Spain
Cindy Teperman, Argentina 
Sylvia Sacal, Mexico
Luis Vidal, Spain
Mauricio y Jannet Wapinsky, Mexico 
Luis y Heidi Epelstein, Mexico


Fundación Ramón Areces - Corte Inglés, Spain
Paolo Vasile - Grupo Mediaset, Italy

Inditex - Amancio Ortega, Spain
Jean Da
vid Benichou, France
Jorge Navea, Spain
Jorge Cosmen - ALSA, Spain
Josi y Carla Eshquenazi, Mexico
Mónica y Pepe Daniel, Mexico

Advisory Board

Advisory Board

Throughout the years, the FHJ has formed an Advisory Council of 20 prominent personalities coming from different fields: business, cultural, institutional, economic, scientific and artistic; each of them contributes their know-how and advice on the most relevant actions to be carried out by the FHJ and by the MHJ.

Friends of FHJ

Friends of FHJ in the world

The founders of the FHJ were visionaries when they understood that, in order to achieve their objectives, they had to prioritize the international development of the institution. Thanks to this, today the international network of friends of the FHJ is made up of Spain, Israel, United States of America (New York and Miami), Mexico (Mexico City and Monterrey), Argentina (Buenos Aires) and Panama. Countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Belgium and Colombia will soon join this great project. The associations of the FHJ have become true speakers on behalf of the Hispanic-Jewish Foundation in the world and will be even more so for the Hispanic-Jewish Museum.


Presidents of the Associations


Shula Serur de Shrem, Mexican Friends of FHJ President
Alejandro Pitashny, Argentinian Friends of FHJ President

Joseph Fidanque III, Panamanian Friends of FHJ President
Edward Misrahi, Israeli Friends of FHJ President
Elissa Wulliger, American Friends of FHJ President

 FHJ main activities

The activities carried out by the FHJ promote the exchange of knowledge and an education based on diversity. Since its inception, the FHJ has brought about different initiatives aimed at creating bonds and disseminate the important legacy that unites the Hispanic and Jewish cultures.

#Educational work
Some examples

  • Patronage of the Spanish version of the book “Soñar sin límites” by Shimon Peres - 2018

  • Creation of the Real Academia de la Lengua Ladina in collaboration with the Real Academia de la Lengua Española - 2018

  • Presentation of the documentary “The Refunsenik” by Natan Sharansky - 2019

  • The “Shalom” Prize awarded to His Majesty the King Felipe VI of Spain - 2019

  • Patronage of the collector’s book compiling the writings of “Luis de Carvajal, El Mozo” (Madrid and Mexico) - 2020

  • Premiere of the documentary “Babi Yar: Context” by Sergei Loznitsa at the Filmoteca Nacional (Madrid) - 2022

  • Private audience with Pope Francis and work on the pontifical project Scholas Occurrentes - 2019

#Social and cultural work
Some examples

  • Historic prayer at Santa María la Blanca Synagogue, Toledo - 2018

  • Opening of the exhibition “Jacobo y sus Doce Hijos” by Zurbarán, in Israel - 2018

  • Sponsoring of the historic exhibition “The Kennicott Bible” in Galicia - 2019

  • Historic presentation “Judeo-Spanish language, heritage and memory” at the Spanish National Library - 2021

  • 1st Israeli Food Festival in collaboration with the Israeli Embassy in Spain - 2022

  • Unveiling of the sculptures “El Abrazo” (“The Embrace”) a tribute to the Jews who left in 1492 through the Port of Cartagena (Spain), and “El Viento” (“The Wind”) in Mexico City, donated by the FHJ and the José Sacal Foundation - 2022

  • Live performance by the Israeli “Maale Adumim” Youth Symphony in Toledo, Segovia, Avila and Madrid - 2023

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