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Museo HispanoJudío

The Museo HispanoJudío (HispanicJewish Museum, MHJ) the flagship project of the FHJ, was born out of the will to show the rich cultural and historical Jewish legacy of Spain and the world. After five centuries, the MHJ intends to uncover the Iberian medieval roots of this Jewish community in a space for the recognition of its fundamental role in the social, cultural and economic life of Spain and the world.

A role that this community still plays to this day.


MHJ main objectives

  • To divulge the shared history that Spain, Spanish America and the Jewish culture have had in common throughout the centuries, and show that Jewish culture is intrinsic to Spanish culture.

  • To identify, transmit and promote the shared values that connect Jewish, Spanish and Spanish American culture.

  • To promote an education in values, especially among young people, in order to guarantee a future of peace and harmony between different cultures.

  • To establish a new relationship between the Jewish people and 550 million Spanish speakers worldwide, rediscovering our common history and values.

  • To offer a new way of living and feeling history and art, traditions and education, where new technologies take center stage.

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Vitral de la sinagoga





































The Hispanic-Jewish adventure

A diversity of peoples such as the Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs or Visigoths has passed through Spain.
All have left a great mark to a greater or lesser extent, and have shaped what is today the cultural wealth of Spain. One of these peoples, and probably one of the most important, is the Hebrew people. The first Jews arrived almost three thousand years ago and gave the Iberian Peninsula the name of Sepharad.
The Jews continued to arrive until the fifteenth century and, little by little, a community within Judaism called the Sephardic was formed. The Jewish people settled in several cities, where they contributed their knowledge and advances, while they were impregnated with other cultures. This enriching mix today makes up the essence of Spain.

The Jews were in Spain until a sad interruption arose: The Catholic Monarchs issued in March 1492 the edict of expulsion of the Jews thus putting an end to 2.000 years of Jewish presence in the Iberian Peninsula.
The Spanish-Jewish adventure encompasses territories that include Latin America, North Africa, the Balkans, the Middle East and even Ukraine, China, United States and United Kingdom. The crypto-Jews were fundamental in the settlement of the Americas, with the city of Monterrey (Mexico) as the best example of this.
United States cities such as New York or New Port Rhode Island were settled and led by Sephardic Jews. Leading cities such as Thessaloniki or Mogador/Essaouira were important population centers with Jewish majorities. Europe and the Mediterranean area also have a special role; it cannot be forgotten that the vital diaspora of many of the Spanish Jews expelled in the 15th and 16th centuries passed through Portugal, the Netherlands, Turkey, the Balkans and the Maghreb as a whole.


The MHJ project is supported by the FHJ, an established institution with a strong national and international infrastructure, a program and contrasted activities, as well as a set of shared goals and values. The experience of the FHJ is a true guarantee of success for the Museo Hispanojudío project.

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Tikun Olam

MHJ itinerary

1 – Memory and Bibliographical Conservation
2 – History of the Jewish people
3 – The shared history of the Hispanic and Jewish cultures
4 – Values: from Jewish to Judeo-Christian and Western and, today, universal
5 – The State of Israel: from the Promised Land to the Land of the Future
6 – Temporary exhibitions






















Virtual Plattform of the MHJ

The FHJ and Saffron Brand Consultants have jointly developed the “Museo HispanoJudío” as an immersive virtual experience, where visitors will be able to explore and enrich their lives with new stories and knowledge according to their interests.
IIn other words, a 100% PHYGITAL EXPERIENCE will be offered, unique for each visitor.
The digital platform and the physical museum will be permanently connected to offer an unlimited experience in space and time.
The virtual MHJ will be available for two types of profiles: Education and Divulgation.
With this, the MHJ demonstrates its willingness to prioritize education in values for a better future.

This virtual platform is a true omni-channel experience, allowing visitors to explore and expand their learning experience regardless of geographical location and physical space.

MHJ Journey


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